The site is hosted at my house in Cashmere, Christchurch and I do my best to have it online 100% of the time. There are times however that it could be offline such as after applying patches, power loss, internet issues etc. If you like what I have done please let me know via the contact menu item.
Canterbury is home to approx 560,000 residents and all have felt the violent shaking from the earthquakes. Over 422,000 claims have been made for buildings with the Earthquake Commission
Although you may think there was only 3 earthquakes there have infact been more than 13,000 registered earthquake events since September 4, 2010 (most have been small). The earth is settling down now and people are getting back to a normal routine although there is a long way to go until it is a thing of the past.
Visit Canterbury Quake Live for live and up to date information on the Canterbury Earthquakes.
The sun rises at 7:24am
The sun sets at 7:52pm
Age: 14.6 days
Stage : Full
Northern Lights forecast from Aurora Service Europe.
Fair to Partly Cloudy. Temperature around 17.9°C, Wind Chill 17.9°C, Humidity 67%. Snow level 3,024 meters.
Partly Cloudy. Temperature around 19.9°C, Wind Chill 19.9°C, Humidity 59%. Snow level 2,897 meters.
Mostly Cloudy. Temperature around 20.5°C, Wind Chill 20.5°C, Humidity 56%. Snow level 2,906 meters.
The weather station is located on the roof of my house, but the site is quite sheltered from the wind. As such the wind is not a good indicator (except for me) of the wind in Christchurch.
Rain is detected by two sensors on the weather system. A rain tipping bucket and also an electronic rain sensor which is part of my cloud sensor. The rain tipping bucket records the actual rain amount in 0.2mm amounts while the electronic rain sensor is used to detect intensity and to detect rainfall earlier than the tipping bucket.
Rain Radar - The rain radar shows any rain over New Zealand. You can also animate the display over the previous 24 hours which shows how the rain is moving over the country.
I have an aquarium with only a few fish at the moment. I monitor the temperature with a Dallas DS18B20 one wire sensor and store this in a database. There is also a web camera on it although it is a bit low quality at the moment.